Our Partners

Vote 411

Managed by volunteers nationwide, including members in our League, Vote411 is a nonpartisan website informing millions of voters of their national, state, and local candidates in every single election.

Visit Vote411 (English)

Visite Voto411 (Español)

Energizing Young Voters

A branch of the League of Women Voters, Energizing Young Voters envisions a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate. Our civics modules can be presented by a League member or used by teachers at no charge.

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Women Power Democracy

Women Power Democracy

Women Power Democracy advances a stronger, more representative American democracy. 

This new program by the League of Women Voters, initiated after the 2020 election, is a 4-pronged approach to tackle systemic challenges to voting rights through advocacy, litigation, and organizing. These League-led programs will build more trust in our elections, grow our electorate with equity, create fairness for voter access, and ensure community districting truly reflects our population.

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